Social Media Marketing


Workshop | Social Media Marketing


This workshop is designed to help beginners understand the fundamentals of social media marketing. It will cover essential concepts, strategies, tools, and techniques to effectively promote a brand, engage with audiences, and drive growth through social media platforms.


1 day (8 hours)

Morning Session

Session 1: Introduction to Social Media Marketing (1 hour)

  • Objective: Understand the basics and importance of social media marketing.
  • Topics:
    • What is social media marketing?
    • Benefits of social media marketing for businesses
    • Overview of major social media platforms (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, TikTok)
  • Activities:
    • Interactive lecture
    • Q&A session

Session 2: Developing a Social Media Strategy (1.5 hours)

  • Objective: Learn how to create an effective social media strategy.
  • Topics:
    • Defining goals and objectives (brand awareness, engagement, lead generation, etc.)
    • Identifying your target audience
    • Choosing the right platforms for your business
    • Crafting a content strategy (types of content, content calendar)
  • Activities:
    • Goal-setting exercise
    • Audience persona creation
    • Platform selection discussion
    • Content calendar workshop

Break (15 minutes)

Session 3: Content Creation and Planning (1.5 hours)

  • Objective: Gain skills for creating engaging and relevant content.
  • Topics:
    • Types of content (posts, stories, videos, live streams, etc.)
    • Visual content creation tools (Canva, Adobe Spark)
    • Writing compelling captions and using hashtags
    • Scheduling and planning content
  • Activities:
    • Hands-on content creation exercise
    • Caption writing and hashtag brainstorming
    • Content scheduling practice with tools (e.g., Buffer, Hootsuite)

Lunch Break (1 hour)

Afternoon Session

Session 4: Engaging with Your Audience (1 hour)

  • Objective: Learn techniques to effectively engage with your audience on social media.
  • Topics:
    • Building and nurturing relationships with followers
    • Responding to comments and messages
    • Encouraging user-generated content
    • Running contests and giveaways
  • Activities:
    • Engagement tactics brainstorming
    • Role-playing exercises for responding to comments/messages

Session 5: Social Media Advertising (1.5 hours)

  • Objective: Understand the basics of social media advertising.
  • Topics:
    • Introduction to social media ads (Facebook Ads, Instagram Ads, LinkedIn Ads, etc.)
    • Setting up ad campaigns
    • Targeting and retargeting audiences
    • Budgeting and bidding strategies
    • Analyzing ad performance
  • Activities:
    • Live demonstration of setting up an ad campaign
    • Ad targeting exercise
    • Performance analysis discussion

Break (15 minutes)

Session 6: Measuring and Analyzing Social Media Performance (1.5 hours)

  • Objective: Learn how to measure and analyse the effectiveness of social media efforts.
  • Topics:
    • Key performance indicators (KPIs) for social media
    • Tools for tracking and analysing performance (Facebook Insights, Instagram Insights, Google Analytics)
    • Adjusting strategies based on performance data
  • Activities:
    • KPI selection exercise
    • Hands-on demonstration of analytics tools
    • Data-driven decision-making discussion

Session 7: Resources and Next Steps (30 minutes)

  • Objective: Provide resources and guidance for continued learning and implementation.
  • Topics:
    • Recommended books, websites, and online courses
    • Social media management tools and software
    • Networking and professional development opportunities
  • Activities:
    • Resource handout
    • Q&A session
    • Action plan creation


By the end of the workshop, participants will have a comprehensive understanding of social media marketing principles. They will be equipped with the knowledge and tools to develop effective social media strategies, create engaging content, interact with their audience, run ads, and measure their social media performance to drive business growth.

Additional Information:

  • Materials Provided: Workshop slides, reading materials, list of resources, practice worksheets
  • Prerequisites: No prior knowledge required
  • Follow-Up Support: Access to an online forum or community for ongoing support and learning